The Slocan Valley has 4 distinct seasons, and a relatively moist climate – except in the summer where it can be very hot and dry.
About 950 mm (38”) of precipitation fall a year, the majority in late autumn and winter.
Temperatures vary with elevation and with proximity to Slocan Lake. New Denver and Silverton experience milder winters and cooler summers than elsewhere in the valley.
Average summer temperatures are between 20-25 C (68-77F) although days of 38C (over 100F) in July and August are not unheard of.
Winter temperatures average out at a pleasant -5C to 5C (12F to 41F), but can range from +5C to -25C (41 to -13F).
Sun: Best months for sunny hot weather are July-September (300+ hrs per month) and only 63mm or 2” of rain.
Rain: Best months for rain are October-November and lesser so in June
Snow: Best months for big snow are December to February…averaging about 130cm or 51 inches per month in December and January. November, February and early March average about half of that. Most days from December through early March have a snow cover of 40cm ( about a foot and a half) or more – and that is at the lower levels. Check for avalanche conditions before going out into the backcountry.
Not a particularly windy place, but watch for sudden winds on Slocan Lake and in the mountains.