We invite you to read the best source of news in the Slocan Valley — the Valley Voice newspaper out of New Denver.
For additional Slocan Valley news and updates, you could also check out the various official village websites:
Stories From The Valley
Rural Media, Kootenay Style
In the summer of 2018, Angela Long embarked on a 22,000-kilometre journey, traversing eight provinces and a territory – from Dawson City, Yukon, to…
Rural Evidence Health Care Review project
Local evidence for health service planning through a rural lens The RER aims to collaborate with rural citizens to provide robust, comprehensive and…
RDI Community Profiles 2018
Selkirk College's Rural Development Institute (RDI) has updated and published comprehensive community profiles for the Slocan Valley region.…
Proposed broadband from Playmor junction to Nakusp: update
Aimee Ambrosone, Director, Delivery of Benefits for Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) who also works on broadband and high-speed connectivity projects…
Film festival calls for submissions
The 13th annual North Valley Mountain Film Festival returns to Silverton Memorial Hall March 2. Short ski and snowboard films produced by local…
Slocan District Chamber of Commerce presents Slocan Valley promotional video
YouTube: https://youtu.be/nI-ROuaYxfc This has been a big endeavor and we are happy to release the final product. Early in 2018 this project was…
New Economic Development Coordinator for Slocan Valley
Nelson, BC: The Villages of Slocan, Silverton and New Denver, RDCK Area H (Slocan Valley) along with the Slocan Valley Economic Development…
New Local Impact Investment Fund Seeking Founding Members
From November 9th to December 14th, Eden Yesh, Invermere Branch Manager for Kootenay Employment Services, project manager to the 2018 Mobilizing…