Imagine Kootenay Wins Top Honours for Marketing Innovation in BC

Imagine Kootenay (IK) was awarded the top honour for marketing and innovation in the province last week by the BC Economic Development Association.

The IK partnership and website was recognized for their website and program branding work at the BC Economic Development Association Summit in Vancouver on June 15th, 2016. Imagine Kootenay competed as a regional program in the category of ‘populations over 20,000’ and was up against projects coming out of the lower mainland and other urban centres.

“With so many amazing and innovative initiatives happening across the province, we knew we would be up against some stiff competition,” said Jessica Fairhart, Program Manager for Imagine Kootenay. “That made it feel even more amazing when we heard our name called and were able to share this win with our partners in the room”.

The BC Economic Development Association’s Awards recognizes the Province’s best economic development marketing materials; programs and partnerships. These prestigious awards honour organizations and/or individuals for their efforts in creating positive change in urban, suburban, and rural communities.

“It continues to amaze me the incredible efforts put forward by communities and economic development professionals to ensure strong local economies. This awards program continues to generate keen interest amongst economic developers and communities across the province.” said Dale Wheeldon, President and CEO, BCEDA. “It is very evident that many communities, regions and partners are implementing creative and bold strategies to encourage economic growth”.

Beyond just good design, the Imagine Kootenay website and partnership has been recognized as a best practice in the province of BC. The Imagine Kootenay website brought together the work of two successful programs – Invest Kootenay and Work West Kootenay – and created a single hub of information targeted at people relocating to the Kootenays. The website highlights employment opportunities, businesses for sale, and the many lifestyle benefits unique to the Kootenays.

“We have an amazing team of partners and staff who worked incredibly hard to develop the Imagine Kootenay brand and website, and this award tells us that what we’re doing is effective,” said Fairhart.

The Imagine Kootenay partnership is administered by Community Futures Central Kootenay, with website and brand development by KIMBO Designs.

Selkirk College Benefits from Federal Innovation Funding

Jun 20 2016
Three Selkirk College research and innovation projects have been chosen by the Federal Government as recipients of grant funding for work that will provide benefits to our region.

Funding from the Federal Government will provide three Selkirk College projects with the resources required to further advance innovative collaborative partnerships with community organizations and local businesses.

The Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council has announced that Selkirk College will receive three grants from the Community & College Social Innovation Fund (CCSIF) totaling $603,430. The funds are part of Minister of Science Kirsty Duncan’s announced $7.4 million worth of federal dollars that will be provided to 35 research projects at colleges and polytechnics across the country.

Opposition Standing Committee for Agriculture and Food in Cranbrook on June 14th

The Opposition Standing Committee for Agriculture and Food will be traveling around the province meeting with groups in Cranbrook on June 14th and Kelowna on June 15th. .    This a standalone committee as the Liberal Government chose not to reinstate this committee so opposition MLA’s created one on their own. If you or your group would like to make a submission, please respond with a request to the website:

Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute: May newsletter

RDI Connect Issue # 11 May 2016

RDI Presents at Local Government Conference

Preliminary findings from the 2016 Local Economic Development in BC survey were shared with over 100 local government representatives at this year's AKBLG conference. Learn more.

RDI is Looking for Pilot Communities

The RDI will be working with communities to measure climate change adaptation, poverty reduction, and economic development performance. We'll also be working with communities to better understand how to use assets as an attraction tool.  Learn more.

Student Research & the State of the Family Report Released

The State of the Family report draws on data generated from last year's TeckServ Summer Student Research Internship and from indicators research compiled by the RDI research team.  Read more.

RDI Concludes Food Systems Research

A series of Knowledge and Research Briefs are now available highlighting findings from RDI's research project that identified opportunities to enhance regional food production.  Learn more.

Transitioning Youth into the Workforce

RDI's research highlights that there is no single approach or single solution to improving youth transition to the workforce. There is need for a range of youth specific resources, supports, and programs that are consciously and collaboratively established.  There is also a need to raise awareness of existing supports.  Learn more.

Mining and Metallurgical Sector Explored

A total of 40 metals and metallurgical related business were interviewed to identify needs, concerns, and opportunities within the emerging metals cluster in the Lower Columbia region. Learn more.

Nelson Businesses Share Expansion Dreams

One hundred businesses were interviewed during the Nelson and Area Economic Development Partnership's Business Retention and Expansion Project.  Over half plan to expand!  Learn more.
MAY 16. Webinar: Navitaging Performance Measurement in Local Economic Development

MAY 25. Learning Event (Revelstoke): Social Sector Solutions

MAY 26. Learning Event (Valemount): Social Sector Solutions

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News from Community Futures

News from Community Futures Central Kootenay
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April 2016 Newsletter
Community Futures Central Kootenay

Youth Mean Business

Helping youth get into business

Another round of youth entrepreneurs recently finished 10 weeks of business planning through the Youth Mean Business (YMB) program. Some of them will continue to receive support from the program as they go on to launch their new business ventures. We can't wait to see them in action!

Meanwhile, intake for the next YMB session is coming up fast. Program applications are due May 9th and classes will begin May 24th. For more information, contact program coordinator Blue Netherclift at 250-352-1933 ext. 111 or email

The Youth Mean Business program is funded by Kootenay Career Development Society.

You Can Do (THAT) Here Podcast

Selling globally from a small town

Community Futures sponsored the latest You Can Do That Here! podcast. The episode features two of our awesome previous clients – Marie Racine of Handy Hay Nets and Charlotte Ferreux of Thrive Consulting – talking about selling their products/services to a global market.
Listen Here!

Imagine Kootenay

New website promotes the Kootenays

The new Imagine Kootenay website has been getting a lot of attention in the months since it launched. It does a wonderful job promoting the Kootenay region as a great place to work, an excellent area to invest in, and an amazing place to live. Community Futures is responsible for managing and administering the Imagine Kootenay project, and we couldn't be more pleased with how it's come together.

If you're looking to buy or sell a business, check out the Investing section at

Junior Dragons' Den

Regional finalists set for JDD championship

The student entrepreneur competition Junior Dragons' Den is back for a third year. Students from across the Columbia Basin competed in regional events in Revelstoke, Cranbrook and Trail earlier this month. Now the regional finalists will face off in the Championships for their chance to win cash prizes.

The Junior Dragons' Den Kootenay Championships will take place on Saturday, May 7th at the Charles Bailey Theatre in Trail. Doors open at 5:30pm, the show starts at 6pm, and tickets are $5 at the door.

Upcoming workshops

Me Inc.
Time: May 10 @ 6:30pm – 8pm
Location: Nelson
Cost: Free

Photography for Small Business
Time: May 12 @ 9am – 4pm
Location: Nelson
Cost: $80 + GST

Business Plan 101
Time: May 13 @ 9am – 4pm
Location: Nelson
Cost: Free

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
Time: May 16 @ 9am – noon
Location: Nelson
Cost: $40 + GST

Networking Group
Time: May 17 @ 5pm – 7pm
Location: Creston
Cost: Free

Selling Your Products Online
Time: May 31 @ 9am – 4pm
Location: Nelson
Cost: $120 + GST

The full workshop schedule is available here.

Community Futures in the News

Community Futures doubles down on Youth Mean Business
Nelson Star

New partnership launched
Arrow Lakes News

Junior Dragons Den regional winners announced
BCTV Kootenays

Business Counselling

Community Futures offers free business counselling to anyone looking for guidance starting a new business or running an existing business. Counsellors can offer advice on topics such as starting a business, expanding into new markets, skills training, succession planning, financing, and much more. Counsellors travel throughout the region, with regular appointments available in Nelson, Castlegar, Salmo, Kaslo and Nakusp. They'll also travel to other communities upon request.

Contact us for an appointment at 250-352-1933 x100

We're hiring!

Community Futures is hiring an Administrative Assistant to cover a maternity leave in our Nelson office. This full-time position combines office support, communications and marketing, and event planning. Applications are welcome until Monday, May 9. See the full job description HERE.

Phone: 250-352-1933
Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm, Monday to Friday

Community Futures Central Kootenay

201, 514 Vernon Street

Nelson, BC V1L 4E7


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