Emery Herbals in Winlaw

Emery Herbals Winlaw


Meet Colleen, owner of Emery Herbals. For someone who helps people find their innate healing power and resiliency, it’s no wonder she’s showing her own ability to overcome. COVID-19 has forced a lot of businesses to adapt and the way Colleen has adapted her herbal dispensary, healing suites and teaching centre is nothing short of inspirational.

Colleen and her husband Ashley have never been strangers to innovation and over the last 8 months, they’ve taken things to a whole new level with hybrid COVID-safe in-person, live streamed workshops and classes.

Colleen and Ashley are not only bringing healing to the masses through their classes and workshops, Emery Herbals co-organizes the Canadian Herb Conference. This year, even though they had to switch to a virtual format, they raised $20,000 at this not-for-profit event in support of Canada’s Herb Associations. Pretty amazing stuff.

Colleen loves running her business in the heart of Winlaw. No day is ever the same, the community is beyond supportive and business owners truly want each other to succeed. They’re all in this together, living in the wilderness, doing what they love.

When you choose to buy local, you support business owners like Colleen. And our whole community thrives. #shopslocanvalley

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