Kootenay Open Network Alliance

Detailed Information

K.O.N.A. is a registered non-profit that is focusing on building open networks throughout the region starting with the communities of the Slocan Valley. The most obvious open network is the internet and our goal is to build “The Best Network in the Koots!” Networks include communications (internet), power (micro grids), social networks, waterways, roads, trails, and the list goes on. Open networks allow anyone to use them without unnecessary restrictions that limit people’s creativity and ability to help make the world a better place. We would like everyone to join in our efforts towards open governance and empowering each other to build leadership in our own small worlds and provide role models for the rest. If you are interesting in funding our efforts or joining our board, please make contact at directors@kootsroute.ca. Visit our website at http://kona.alts.tv/ to become a member and help others get better connected locally.