Bio2 Engineering

Bio2 Engineering specializes in the design, installation and certification of septic systems. Call me if:
– you have a septic problem, or need information
– you need a septic system, especially if you want to build it yourself
– you need a septic assessment for a subdivision or real estate purchase
– you an unregistered machine operator or installer who is not allowed to install systems because of the new regulations
Are you looking for the least expensive labor and materials and the most up-to-date industry knowledge?
Hi I’m Tom and I design and certify all types and sizes of onsite sewage, storm-water and grey-water systems. I specialize in designs for difficult systems and supervising unregistered installers or homeowners who wish to install their own systems. No job is too difficult.
I can offer you the highest professional standards backed by the Association of Professional Engineers, a $2 million professional liability insurance policy and no conflicts of interest. I have lots of local references.