Nature's Healing Energies

Vibrational healing with the energies of flowers has been available to us from times past. More than 60 years ago Dr. Edward Bach made his gift of flower remedies to the world. His belief that we must treat the individual, rather than a particular disease is widely accepted today.
Flower essences are safe, without side effects and produce gentle shifts in perception while catalyzing whole body/mind healing.
Since 1996 flower essences have been made in the West Kootenays through a collaboration of three women. There are now 300 Kootenay Flower essences from which a variety of blends have been produced.
Penny Bonnett offers consultations using flower essences and sells both pacific essences made in Victoria BC. and kootenay flower essences.
She is an advocate of healthy lifestyle as a basis for vibrant health believing that the subtle energies of flowers will help anyone wishing to heal themselves.
As a certified tellington ttouch practitioner penny works with many different animals with health and behaviour issues.