The Alternate Ark

4 Consecutive Week Classes in Metaphysics at the Alternate Ark, Winlaw
Class 1: Terminology, Learn the Terms We Will Be Using and Begin Creating Your Crystal Template through Visualization & Pineal Activation. Also access the 14 Dimensions & Source, the Rays of Creation, Solfeggio Frequencies, and Learn the Unify Chakra Technique.
Class 2: Explore Reincarnation, Past Lives, Access Departed Loved Ones, Sacred Psychometry, Sing “HU” for greater enlightenment.
Class 3: The Unseen Dimensions, I have seen and know. Cocreative Science: Nature Spirit Realm, Pan, Devas, White Brotherhood. Learn to Create Conings and Conscious Vortexes of Energy: become Co-creative with Nature, Learn “MAP”- to have your own healing team.
Class 4: Releasing Past Vows, Genetic Stuff & CCMBA – Complete Conscious Mind Body Alignment, to Release Blocks, also, Discover your Soul Purpose.
- Local Portal and Vortex Visits, Optional Class.